Ice Swimming

In the world of Ice Swimming I completed my first Ice Mile in January 2014 and in 2018 become the first woman in the world and one of only 3 people at the time to have completed 10 Ice Miles. ( an Ice Mile is a swim of 1 mile in water temperature below 5 degrees wearing just a normal swimming costume, goggles and hat – no wetsuit).
One of my Ice Miles was swum entirely in butterfly and am one of only two people in the World to have completed an Ice Mile in fly.

Only 450 people in the world have completed and Ice Mile and it was recognised by The Guardian newspaper as the toughest swimming challenge on the planet. The Guardian – Ice Miles In 2021 five of my Ice Miles were recognised as ‘Extreme Ice Miles’ (due to the extreme cold and time in the water )and at that time I was one of only 90 people in the World to have completed an extreme Ice Mile and only two other swimmers had completed 5 Extreme Ice Miles.

I have represented Great Britain, in many of the  Winter Swimming and Ice Swimming events around the world including Siberia, China, America, Latvia, Estonia, Germany, Netherlands, Poland and Spain. Closer to home I also swim at the UK Cold Water Swimming Championships held at Tooting Bec Lido as well as PHISH ( Parliament Hill Ice Swimmers Hootenay) and the ChillSwim at Windermere.

In 2015 I won the marathon Ice Swimming event in The Baltic Sea in Estonia by swimming 1200 metres in 1.7 degree water ( 28 minutes ) and in 2016 won the Polish Ice Swimming 1000 metres in a pool cut from the ice.

In 2023 I was third in the International Winter Swimming Association Ice Cup series which encompassed a series of events including racing at 0 degrees in the ice in Skelleftea Sweden very close to the Arctic Circle as well as taking part in the World Championship event in Slovenia.